

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 7, 8, 9 I guess

I've paid a ridiculously low price to stay at a ridiculously despicable establishment in North Myrtle Beach. North Myrtle Beach is the equivalent of Myrtle Beach's skanky little sister. There are less pirate themed family restaurants and tourist gift warehouses bragging the cheapest souvenirs, but more all night gentleman's' clubs with laughable names and head shops for all of my psychedelic needs. My room is large and sparse and nothing to write home about, but like I said it's cheap, and cheap's my price range. So cheap they're almost paying me to stay here. It has air conditioning (since I threw a fit for a new window unit), two medium sized windows adorned splendidly with plastic tablecloths and a dresser with graffiti on it. There is no TV (I didn't even ask where it went) and I wisely chose to use my own linens (though I may have to burn them when I leave). The roaches and odd smell were complimentary! So I have a glorified doghouse for Poe to languish in while I lounge at the beach (no less magnificent than the "real" Myrtle Beach) and do crossword puzzles and read mediocre forensic crime novels all day.

I figure my snooty sensibilities can hold out for another couple of days before I feel pressed to move on. I've paid for a week, but there's really no need to stay here for that long. I mean, it's swell and all but I fear I may grow to love the atmosphere too much and lower my standards to the point I no longer see the disparity between waxy picnic tablecloths and classy window treatments. That fine line between skanky and swanky may begin to blur.

1 comment:

  1. Incredible tree! Love the one with Poe's backside to the camera--I guess, to a dog, a tree is a tree is a pee-post, and it looks like he's checking it out as such.

    I've used bed sheets for curtains, but never tablecloths! Ah, well, windows are for looking out, looking past, looking toward new adventures....
